
Weź udział w webinarach i warsztatach i dowiedz się więcej o branży IT. Poznaj naszych mentorów, sprawdź jak uczymy oraz zobacz jak praca w IT wygląda w praktyce.

During the course, you will learn how to effectively plan project work using Scrum, so that teamwork is as smooth as possible. With hands-on assignments and an experienced mentor, you will gain the knowledge and skills to take on a job as a Scrum Master.
Czas trwania
5 weeks
During this online bootcamp, you will learn the practical side of working as a tester. Over the course of 8 weeks, you will perform practical individual and group tasks and participate in simulations that reflect the work of a tester.
Czas trwania
8 weeks
The Python Developer course consists of 14 weeks of live lessons with an experienced mentor. This course will help you gain a solid foundation and write your first programs in Python. You will complete projects to test your new skills in practice and lay the foundation for your programming portfolio.
Czas trwania
14 weeks
The Business Intelligence course will show you the basics of business analytics and data modelling. You'll learn to use modern tools for data analysis and presentation. Real case studies will show you how BI works in practice. Once you finish the Bootcamp, you'll be ready to work as a Data Analyst / BI Developer.
Czas trwania
18 weeks
Zastanawiasz się, który kurs wybrać?

Zastanawiasz się, która ścieżka IT jest dla Ciebie i jaki kurs wybrać? Wypełnij darmowy test predyspozycji i poznaj swoje kompetencje pod kątem pracy w IT.

Showing all 14 results